A Podcast about Space-Crossed Lovers

S2E18 - Episode 18

Geneva and Jacq babysit the portal, while the others go into the final showdown and face Carithell.

Geneva and Jacq babysit the portal, while the others go into the final showdown and face Carithell.



Other Credits

Theme: Please Listen Carefully by Jahzzar Special thanks to Lee Davis-Thalbourne for writing Leopold's sound effects. Sound effects from acclivity, oddmonolithsound, rhumphries, zatar, toyoto, optronteam, LiamSFX, Clearwavsound, Ignotus, Tomlija, ylearkisto, gubodup, hykenfreak, samararaine, tommccann, zmb94,  fogma, nic3, glaneur-de-sons, magdaadga, orginaljun, veiler, lerwickdj, tran5ient, inspectorj, maxdemianagl, surrogatemedia, aworldwhere, qubodup, ari-glitch, darsycho, williamjmeyer, dheming, jergonda, leosalom, robyn-levy323, cameronmusic, cazzuraband, c-v, jovica, waveplay, shakababa, zgump, yvessch, resaural, follytowers, jefftbyrd, jpkweli, wjoojoo, dominikbraun, shortrecord, seth-m, mgamabile, samgd14, clearwavsound, nakhas, cuddlenucks, liancu, aurelon, dymewiz, and original-sound on Yeah, it's a lot this time!!