A Podcast about Space-Crossed Lovers

S2E3 - Episode 3

Geneva introduces Jacq to The Team and they discuss an action plan for moving forward.

Geneva introduces Jacq to The Team and they discuss an action plan for moving forward.

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Geneva is played by Hazel Stapp (@hazel_da_basil)
Jacq is played by Therin Stapp (@explosiverunes)
Damien is played by Oakley Cannon (@BeachLich)
Elise is played by Arizona Jonson (@arizonajonson)
Jen is played by Lauren Myers (@theNat1lady)
Julian is played by Erin Kyan (@Erinkyan)
Leopold is played by Lee Davis-Thalbourne (@passerkirbius)

Other Credits

Theme: Please Listen Carefully by Jahzzar
Sound effects are from and were created by InspectorJ, and Zabuhailo